Remember, Remember, the Fourth of November...
Bonfire night coming up - everyone get on your rooftops and wish you were on Primrose Hill (only allowed for the locals, Madge & baby David I suppose) to watch the fireworks display this weekend in London... Our favourite picks? Battersea Park and Ravenscourt Park are supposed to be especially good this Saturday night... if you miss things this weekend, don't worry, the Mayor of London's throwing his usual big bash next weekend on the 11th (a week late better than never) on the Southbank between Waterloo Bridge & Blackfriar Bridge... thanks to daylight savings, the party also starts early at 5 p.m. More about Bonfire night here, don't forget your Guy Fawkes masks and all the explosives you can get your hands on... Remember, Bonfire Night isn't about roasting marshmallows or Independence Day, it's about celebrating the day parliament didn't blow up into smithereens... Oh, and we burnt this guy at the stake... Awesome-ness... |
posted by Seroo at 5:49 pm
I remember last year looking at some of the fireworks from my bedroom window with my grandmother. We were 'oohing' and 'aahing' at the various explosions of light and colours. In a cool and nonchalant way my grandmother quietly said, "As Catholics, we're not supposed to be celebrating this." In my nonchalant Muslim girl reply, all I did was nod.
This year was nice: I watched a number of fireworks across my stretch of the river, while I nursed my cup and found warmth from other sources...
I wouldn't have expected you to do otherwise, oh good nonchalant Muslim girl :)
(saying that, thursday evenings are still on I suppose? *grin*)
I miss the hill....and seroo